A Reflection for the Daily Readings for the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29th, 2016 Acts 12:1-11Psalms 34:2-92 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18The Holy Gospel According to Saint Matthew 16:13-19 Over a decade ago I was going through a rough patch in my life.  A broken relationship, a house thatContinue Reading

Tomorrow we celebrate the Ascension of Our Lord.   Jesus spent 40 days spreading his message to his disciples.  40 days in which he taught them, encouraged them, and prepared them for their mission.  Then after 40 days, he was changed.  He was lifted up before them into heaven andContinue Reading

Tomorrow is the feast of Saint Agatha.  It’s interesting that when we see her story we find that the Church has chosen two readings about two very different Kings, contrasting them as book ends.  What do Kings have to do with this amazing woman from the mid 3rd century? IContinue Reading

Tomorrow’s readings for daily mass contain a hard message, a challenging message. During Advent it is important that we get those challenges to the way we are walking our faith.  All to often, when we are honest with ourselves, we are failing to walk the walk and talk the talk. Continue Reading

In tomorrow’s Gospel we see the king giving to each of his servants a gold coin.  Each of them receives one coin and is expected to do his best with it.  One gains ten coins in interest, and he is rewarded with being put in charge of ten cities.  AnotherContinue Reading

Last night while I was out exercising with my 8 year old daughter I began meditating on the readings for today’s Feast Day. To be fair, there are myriads of different messages and a vast plethora of theological and typological things happening. So much so that you could really reflectContinue Reading

Tonight I saw someone wondering about something that I too wondered about many years ago.  You see I grew up in a church that taught people that Baptism was nothing more than a symbol.  It was kind of a public declaration, a promise ring of sorts, that you did whenContinue Reading