Several years ago I sat in a bible study with a woman who I had never met.  There was some small talk but for the most part she kept to herself.  She seemed very shy, very timid, but at the same time you could instantly tell that she was searchingContinue Reading

A reflection based on the readings for Daily Mass 1/4/16 Today we were talking to our students in Religious Education class about the need to truly listen to what people are saying, but to be careful and discern what is true.  All too often there is just enough truth inContinue Reading

What does it mean to be chosen by God?  Tomorrow we celebrate the feast of two people who not only where chosen by Christ but also suffered martyrdom for their faith.  What can we learn from these readings?  How do they apply to us as Catholics today, 2000 years afterContinue Reading

The more I study scripture, the more I realize how we humans seem to repeat the same patterns over and over.  The Israelites of the old testament consistently came back to God.. but then as soon as they got comfortable… fell off again to do other things. An endless cycleContinue Reading

We hear it constantly.  People quote to us “judge not lest you be judged.”   Their intention is that we should not judge anyone else’s sin but rather let them live however they want, and they’ll take it up with God later.  There are two flaws with this logic.  FirstContinue Reading

This morning I had the wonderful privilege of leading a communion service for our parish.  About 6:30 as the kids were getting ready for school, I was in the living room preparing for my role.   Between helping find hair brushes and signing papers for school I read vocally andContinue Reading

Just wanted to share with you the speech that I prepared for this weekend and had the honor of delivering at our parish. God really helped me through it and I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would 🙂 When Father Don asked me if I would beContinue Reading