July 2, 2017 Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Lectionary: 97 2 KGS 4:8-11, 14-16A PS 89:2-3, 16-17, 18-19 ROM 6:3-4, 8-11 MT 10:37-42 The person the world sees is often not the one that comes out in the silence of the home.  Our society has taught us to put onContinue Reading

When I was in elementary school I had a crush on the prettiest girl in class.   One day she told me and another boy that she would be the girlfriend of the one who brought her the nicest gift.  The other guy got her a record or something.  Me?Continue Reading

For tomorrow’s daily mass the readings continue to examine the Epistle of Saint James.  He continues to encourage us to work for God’s kingdom and to avoid things of the world, things of the ego and of the flesh. He uses some pretty strong words, indeed.   He compares worldlyContinue Reading

Yesterday evening I had the immense pleasure to attend the graduation ceremony where our oldest received her high school diploma.  While there they had several speakers from the class.  I was very impressed to see one of the kids from our own church get up and give one of thoseContinue Reading

In tomorrow’s reading we see the parable of the fig tree.  This sort of tree is a source of fruit, a source of nourishment for the world.  In the desert lands in which Jesus taught and journeyed it would have been seen as sustenance, life. The owner of the vineyard,Continue Reading

My wife and I have made it a habit lately to jog in the late evenings after all of our obligations and such begin to wind down.  Tonight as I meditate on the readings for tomorrow’s Mass, it reminds me of the jog/walk we just completed.   I was in justContinue Reading

I looked into the kitchen this morning, after spending the day in bed in pain.  I lifted too much yesterday and was just unable to get up this A.M.  The dishes weren’t done.  I for some reason expected to magically get up at noon and find them washed.  There theyContinue Reading