There is a saying that my friend uses.  He says “get ready, be ready, stay ready.”   The first reading from 1st Peter reminds me of that saying.  Peter reminds us to gird up the loins of our mind.   That doesn’t seem to say a lot to us inContinue Reading

Salted with fire.  Jesus uses some interesting words in the Gospel for tomorrow. The image of salt puts us in mind of food.  It reminds us that salt is necessary for life.  It’s also a natural anti-bacterial, a preservative.  It brings out the flavors of the food while at theContinue Reading

Fifteen years or so ago the company I worked for hired this electrician from Baltimore.  He was supposed to be “all that and a bag of chips.”  The one thing I do know, this man could finish a job faster than any other foreman that worked there.   I hadContinue Reading

Tomorrow we celebrate the feast of the chair of Saint Peter.  The authority of the Pope seems to be a stumbling block for many.  They question why we believe that there is one man with the ability to lead us, to guide us, and to have the authoritative ability toContinue Reading

Do you remember those posters that became popular in the early 90s?  What appeared to be a random mess of colored dots would become something amazing and three dimensional if you learned how to look at it.  If you tried too hard you would have trouble seeing it.  Only whenContinue Reading

Tomorrow is the memorial of the Presentation of Mary. This legend, which we have no way of knowing whether it is true or not, is only found in a apocryphal text called the Protoevangelium of James. While there is no requirement that we believe in it, it still teaches someContinue Reading

I can only imagine what it must have been like for Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini to board that boat and sail the ocean to a foreign land. Having grown up in the country of Italy, coming to the America’s must have been daunting and unusual, but perhaps a bit excitingContinue Reading