June 21, 2017Memorial of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, ReligiousLectionary: 3672 COR 9:6-11PS 112:1BC-2, 3-4, 9MT 6:1-6, 16-18 Growing up I was taught that “tradition” was a bad thing.   In fact, one of the Churches I went too prided itself on the fact it never did the worship service in theContinue Reading

There is this overwhelmingly powerful scene in the Fellowship of the Rings in which Galadriel is tempted.  Galadriel is already a powerful figure with great magic and power.   The ring though would make her even stronger, so powerful in fact she could control the entire realm.  She has thisContinue Reading

A Reflection on the readings for Daily Mass for Thursday of the Fourteenth Week of Ordinary Time, July 7, 2016. Hosea 11:1-4, 8e-9Psalm 80:2ac, 3b, 15-16The Holy Gospel According to Saint Matthew 10:7-15 I was haggard and disheveled.   I hadn’t slept a wink.   My wife was even moreContinue Reading

A reflection on the readings for June 16, 2016. Sirach 48:1-14Psalm 97Gospel of Matthew 6:7-15 In this mornings first reading we see a list of all the amazing things that Elijah and Elisha did in their earthly lifetimes.  From raising to dead to controlling the elements, we see these menContinue Reading

Prayer, fasting, and alms giving.  These are sometimes referred to as the three pillars of Lent.  Jesus reminds us in the Gospel for today that these are not supposed to be relegated to one single season, but rather to be ways of life that we adopt throughout our days.  HeContinue Reading

Yesterday evening I had the immense pleasure to attend the graduation ceremony where our oldest received her high school diploma.  While there they had several speakers from the class.  I was very impressed to see one of the kids from our own church get up and give one of thoseContinue Reading

I know what the Athenians felt like in the first reading for today as Paul began to explain to them the truth of what God expected from us in worship.  For the first 13 years of my Christian walk I was a protestant.  I didn’t even know what that meantContinue Reading