June 21, 2017Memorial of Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, ReligiousLectionary: 3672 COR 9:6-11PS 112:1BC-2, 3-4, 9MT 6:1-6, 16-18 Growing up I was taught that “tradition” was a bad thing.   In fact, one of the Churches I went too prided itself on the fact it never did the worship service in theContinue Reading

In tomorrow’s reading we see Paul continuing to prepare his followers for his departure.  For a time he has been teaching them, working alongside them, joining them for dinner and fellowship.  It’s time though for him to move on.   Time for him to follow Christ where he leads, andContinue Reading

A reflection based on the readings for Daily Mass 1/4/16 Today we were talking to our students in Religious Education class about the need to truly listen to what people are saying, but to be careful and discern what is true.  All too often there is just enough truth inContinue Reading