I’ve told this story before.  The story of sitting on the riverbank of the Mississippi at the White House in Saint Louis, Missouri.   How that the sun was shinning, the birds singing, the river flowing it’s long easy strides.   That I was sitting there meditating on being thankful and howContinue Reading

A Reflection on the readings for Daily Mass, June 30, 2016. Amos 7:10-17Psalm 19:8-11The Holy Gospel According to Matthew 9:1-8 When I was younger my grandfather kept telling me not to go down around his garden.   He had this electric fence that he had put in.  He told usContinue Reading

It’s two days before Christmas and the story continues with more about John the Baptist and his birth.  The Old Testament reading has some interesting imagery in it though.  It talks of sending a messenger before him, to prepare the way.  Then it says the Lord will come suddenly intoContinue Reading