In diaconate formation we are studying the Psalms. We learned that a psalm is a Hebrew poem that is still used to this day as a way to pray and worship. We borrow this concept in our own Liturgy of the Hours that we pray throughout the day. A psalm can take on one of five forms:
The assignment for this class was to pick one of these five forms and write our own psalm. I thought I would share mine with you.
A Song of Exuberance
For the director of music. With 6 string lire, harmonica, and jaw harp.
1 My soul delights; my heart bursts with joy
My happiness knows no end; ecstasy wells up within me
For my God is a risen God, great King conquering over death
2 He has shattered my fetters of sin; liberated me from the netherworld
Paid my ransom with his own blood; his life he poured out for me
He bought me back from my tormenter; he forgave the debt
3 He restores my soul; my life he makes anew
He picks me up from out of the dirt and calls me friend
His mercy is never ending; his love endures for all generations
4 Come then, let us sing praise and worship
Striking joyfully the timbrel and harp
Filling his courts with songs of thanksgiving
5 Sing with gladness to the Lord our God
Fall before him with honor and homage
And bless his Holy name
6 Know that the Lord is God; King of all creation
For he is our God and we are his people
Molded from dust in his image
7 I will love the Lord with my entire being
Singing joyful praise and offering thanksgiving
All the days of my life
Very nicely done my friend. I was thinking of posting mine in my blog as well but have not had the courage to do so. Thanks for taking the lead and for such an encouraging song of praise.