I once had the pleasure of listening to a priest tell a story from his childhood. He told about growing up in the city where he and the other neighborhood boys would gather to play a game of stickball. It never failed that the ball would be hit over theContinue Reading

What is your opinion? That is the way Jesus begins our Gospel today. We all have our own opinions on what it means to be a disciple of Christ. We all hear the same Gospel and we all decide for ourselves how we put that into practice in our ownContinue Reading

Recently my wife bought a Nintendo Switch for the family to play with. One of the popular games out there right now is a game called Animal Crossing. In Animal Crossing you move to your very own island to live. The island is run by three raccoons. You are given aContinue Reading

There once was a guy who has a huge Chicago Cubs fan. The strange thing about him was that he would never watch a live game. He taped every game. When he got home from work he would call his friend and ask, “Did the Cubs win today?” If theContinue Reading

There was a time when Catholics were known as the fish eaters because we ate fish every Friday. Why did Catholics always eat fish on Fridays? There is many a myth and conspiracy behind this but the truth is quite simple. Christ was crucified on Good Friday and rose fromContinue Reading

How do you respond when someone wishes you a good morning? A typical response from me is usually something like, “I woke up on the right side of the grass so it is a good start.” As I grow in my faith I find myself asking if this is reallyContinue Reading

Recently the United States College of Catholic Bishops Committee on Clergy, Consecrated Life, and Vocations highlighted the importance of the deacon in the life of the Church from their annual survey in a tweet. Someone commented that the Church needs more priests and not empty nesters who like to playContinue Reading