Earlier today I did what I try to do every Saturday, I set out in a car looking for a confessional.  I don’t do it because I’m holy.  I do it because I realize I am not.  I stumble often, so often that I am reminded by my conscienceContinue Reading

  What does it mean to do the will of God?  Does it mean that we no longer have to worry about “sacrifices?”  The first reading for today talks about how that God no longer wants their burnt offerings or their sacrifices.   Does that mean He doesn’t want our tithe?Continue Reading

Today is the Feast Day in which the Church encourages us as Catholics to remember Saint Thomas Aquinas, perhaps one of the most intellectual men to ever be born.   In his work, the Summa Theologica, we find the definitive guide to Catholic apologetics in which we see a reasonable andContinue Reading

What is it like to be poor?   To have nothing to give?  I’m not a stranger to food.   You can tell by looking at me that I haven’t missed many meals.  My mom jokes about how when I was little I was “always hungry.” So much so that when weContinue Reading

Why do Catholics worship on Sundays?   I started to entitle this article why do Christians worship on Sundays, but as a friend of mine  found out, there are some Christians who do not. (Remember all Catholics are Christians but not all Christians are Catholics.)   The argument put forward byContinue Reading

It has been an emotional weekend. To be able to serve at the Mass as my fellow candidates became Deacons, to kneel before the Bishop holding the book for him as each of them took their vows of obedience, was an experience that I will cherish and ponder deeply forContinue Reading

Yesterday my wife called me during those torrential rains.   While we were talking she had a blowout and then the phone went dead.  I immediately got into my car and drove to Burlington to find her.  I talked to her a few times before I got there with the callContinue Reading