Peter and his fellow fishermen had been working all night. They had just finished fishing and were putting up their tackle. The men were cleaning and repairing it, getting ready to get some rest. Then comes along Jesus, who says go back where you were and start fishing again. It’sContinue Reading

In the Gospel for today, we see Jesus once again casting out demons and healing people who were sick. Then he does something interesting. He rebukes the demons who are trying to tell people who He is. He silences them and refuses to let them tell people He is theContinue Reading

There is a pretty hard sentence written by Saint Paul in his second epistle to the Thessalonians.  He says that we should “shun any brother who walks in a disorderly way and not according to the Tradition.”  So many people don’t want to take that sort of advice.   Using theContinue Reading

There are many people out there who do not understand the reason we Catholics have a Pope, or even what the role of the Pope is in the Catholic Church.  If you want to truly understand it, then reading today’s readings for Mass will make it abundantly clear.  Let’s beginContinue Reading

In today’s Gospel, we see a parable about a vineyard owner who went out and hired men to work in his fields.  As the day progressed he hired more and more, eventually going out with just an hour to go until sundown and hired even more.   By Jewish law, theContinue Reading

Yesterday we heard the story of the rich young man and in today’s Gospel, we see Jesus saying it is nearly impossible for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.   It would be easy to think that Jesus condemned men with wealth, but that isn’t the case.  WhyContinue Reading

This morning I was walking to Church while praying a rosary, as I am wont to do.   As I was praying the 5th joyful mystery, the finding of Jesus in the temple, I realized that many of us have fallen into a mindset that has stripped us of a greatContinue Reading