President Obama famously declared in a speech a while back that whatever we are, we are no longer a Christian nation.  I would like to believe that isn’t true.  The numbers say that we are mostly Christians in our population. The increase in secular thought, belief, and liberalism would sayContinue Reading

Just wanted to share with you the speech that I prepared for this weekend and had the honor of delivering at our parish. God really helped me through it and I enjoyed it much more than I thought I would 🙂 When Father Don asked me if I would beContinue Reading

Bear with me as I try to convey to you something that I do not know if I can put into words. Today as I was reading Sacred Scripture, a line of thought began to form in my mind. It begins with the concept of the logos, the Christ, theContinue Reading

Lord make me an instrument of your peace. I say this prayer almost every morning as I awake, trusting God to transform me because I know I cannot make it through the day on my own volition. I am human. Just like the next person. I make mistakes. Almost allContinue Reading

You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men.– Matthew 5:13 Jesus talked in parables a great deal of the time.Continue Reading

Most of the time when we hear this story, we focus on the foreground.. the son who has returned, we often miss the son in the background, toiling away in the field.  Just about every Christian out there has heard the story of the prodigal son. We talk about itContinue Reading

As our pastor, Father Tim, gave another of his rousing homilies this morning what he was saying really struck with my heart. As Catholics we believe that it is a blessing, a beautiful thing when we share in the suffering of Christ. The bible tells us to rejoice! So weContinue Reading