Simon of Cyrene. A man who had a huge role in history and in the most important events in the redemption of man. He was the man who, when Jesus fell and could no longer bear the cross, was compelled to lift it up and carry it for Him. It’s difficult to think that God in the form of a man, was so weak He could no longer carry it. The God in Him was strong, but the man in Him was just like you and I. He could only go so far, before He needed help.
You see God was using Simon for many things. Many believe he was the Simeone mention in acts, and I do believe that myself. God called Simon to carry the cross, not because God couldn’t have given His mortal body strength, but to teach us one of the most important lessons that we as Christians need to know.
Each of us bears a cross! We are compelled to do just that. That cross is our flesh and our lives, our temptation and tribulations. That cross can get so heavy that our yokes no longer seem light, and our burdens seem bigger than any mountain. But we are also compelled to do something even more magnificent and beautiful, to carry each others crosses! We are not just to be concerned with our own walk, but to reach out when someone is under a huge load and offer to carry it for them or with them.
When someone has a death in the family we can help with that cross by cooking some food, sending a card, simply being there for them! When someone is down on their luck, we can leave a simple envelope in their mailbox with a few dollars in it. A note saying Jesus loves you. Mowing their yard, or helping them replace a car part. God has given each of us knowledge to do things. Some are electricians, some are concrete workers, some can sew, some are good with taxes. We as the body should be doing these things not only as a profession and not only for our families, but for the entire body of Christ. Finding someone who needs a light replaced, a blanket fixed for their child, a concrete pad for their driveway. Help someone who has trouble with numbers do their taxes, or someone who can’t cook learn to do so. We are to be like Simon and pick up the cross of the body of Christ. To help the body bear their burden, and to help shoulder the load. Then we see why Jesus said, “For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
Go out and serve one another, not just in preaching the gospel, but physically get out and use your God given gifts to make life here on Earth, more like our life in Heaven. We cannot simply pray Thy will be done, and live as if it hasn’t. Let us love one another so much, that the world cannot help but say, look at those Christians… their love for God is evident in their actions.
In Christ,
Brian I am jumping for joy at the message from God that flowed through you. Good job at delivering the Godly word. – Preacher
Thank you brother Reggie, God is good to us!