We all love a good story, don’t we? There’s something so compelling about a narrative that pulls us in with a hero to root for and a villain to despise. We crave the satisfaction of seeing an injustice righted, of watching good triumph over evil. It’s a timeless theme thatContinue Reading

In the bustling tapestry of early Christianity, the figure of Saint Athanasius emerges as a beacon of unwavering faith and theological depth. Born around 296 AD in Alexandria, Egypt, Athanasius would become a pivotal defender of orthodox Christian doctrine amidst the swirling controversies of his time. Athanasius is renowned particularlyContinue Reading

In our First Reading, we glimpse the early Christians’ commitment to the sacred rituals of our faith, recognizing the profound role of liturgy in shaping our spiritual journey. Through the ancient practices passed down through generations, we discover a pathway to divine encounter, where the Holy Spirit moves and breathesContinue Reading

It’s been cold lately.  Shockingly so.  Sunday morning there was frost on the cars and I needed a jacket again.  After it being almost 80 on Monday, it put us back in winter with a passion.   Then I decided to renew the tags on my clown car, now that it’sContinue Reading

Dear brothers and sisters, In the Gospel of John, Jesus speaks to us as the Good Shepherd, guiding His sheep with love and care. As we reflect on His words in John 10:1-10, we are invited to delve deeper into the profound mystery of spiritual discernment. Just as sheep recognizeContinue Reading

Around the year 300, during the reign of Diocletian, we find the martyrdom of our Saint for today.  Lucy was a young woman, with a vow of chastity and virginity.  She was martyred for her faith.  At some point, she lost her eyes in the ordeal.   Thus, she became theContinue Reading

Growing up in the mountains, we didn’t have any streetlights.  There weren’t many neighbors nearby either, so when we would play outside, sometimes it was pitch black.   My uncle bought us this set one time that I’ll never forget.  It was this cheap little walky-talky and flashlight combo.  The littleContinue Reading