I’ve always wanted to play the guitar. I can remember my cousin Dee coming over and teaching me how to play “How Great Thou Art” on the one my mom played. I’d listen in awe as my grandfather Delmon would pick out “The Wildwood Flower.” I’d play for a while, memorizing chords and building up the calluses on my fingers so they wouldn’t bleed when I played. Then life would get in the way. I’d stop playing for a year or two. By the time I picked it up again, I’d have already forgotten almost all that I knew. My hands would hurt again and I’d have to learn chord by chord again until I could eventually pick out another song. Here I am forty-one and guess what? I haven’t played in almost 7 years. I can’t honestly say I remember the chords or notes, and would have to start over to pick it up (and I am feeling the desire to do so. )
That’s what Jesus is talking about in the Gospel for today. He’s talking about how that our spiritual life requires work. To those who have? More will be given. Those who have not? It will be taken away. If you don’t use it? you’ll lose it. Our spiritual candle requires fuel to keep burning. That’s what the Sacraments are all about. It’s also what a life of holiness is for. To continue to do those things which draw us to God, and avoid the things that draw us away from Him. If we stop living the life of a Christian eventually we are gonna find ourselves in a place where we can’t even remember where to start up again. If we continue to walk the walk of a disciple, in the footsteps of the Master? The chords of our spiritual life will be like muscle memory, and we’ll know exactly what step to take next.
A reflection on the readings for Monday of the Twenty-Fifth week of Ordinary Time.