This morning, our first reading says that God led Abram outside the tent and said: “Look up at the sky and count the stars, if you can.”  Imagine a world before the bright lights of cities and the distant glow of towns.  The sky clear and brilliant with all itsContinue Reading

A friend of mine asked me the other day how I deal with chronic pain. I’ve spent a few days trying to figure out the right words to put into it. So I decided to write about ringing the bells at Mass. I’m sure that’s a very odd way toContinue Reading

Forgiving others is pretty hard to do, sometimes, especially when they hurt someone, we love.   Our world is filled with encouragement to hold grudges.  Music lyrics and memes on the internet tell us we shouldn’t keep people in our lives if they hurt us and shun those who don’tContinue Reading

Jesus today reminds us that prayer isn’t supposed to be just an outward action. He even goes as far as saying that we should “go to [our] inner room and close the door.” God isn’t telling us we shouldn’t pray in front of others.  We can and should pray inContinue Reading

A few years ago, I made a truly inspiring weekend retreat. At the end of the retreat, unbeknownst to me, my wife was there for one of the final ceremonies. I remember seeing her there, and I was surprised, excited, and anxious to tell her all about the last fewContinue Reading

In the Gospel this morning, Jesus quotes the Old Testament when he says, “An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”   A great deal many people in the world today will use this sort of glimpse into the Scriptures to claim God was a God ofContinue Reading

Yesterday I talked about how that Jesus told us that holiness wasn’t just conforming to the religious laws; it was supposed to be about interior change.   In today’s Gospel, He begins to lay out what exactly that means.  He fleshes out how the Old Testament’s moral law is supposedContinue Reading