Our country is currently awaiting the results of an election. It’s also in the midst of a spiritual battle. Yesterday we heard Jesus say that He invites all people, even the ones in the “highways and hedgerows.” Often people think that being invited is enough. They forget that weContinue Reading

The end of the liturgical year is approaching. At the end of November, we will celebrate the feast of Christ the King.  This celebration reminds us that the end of time will come for all of us, maybe even for some of us today.  Christ will come back, and weContinue Reading

  In today’s Gospel, we see the list of the twelve apostles.   Among those are our Saints for today, Saint Simon the Zealot, and Saint Jude.  They are listed together because we believe they were both martyred together in Persia, somewhere near modern-day Iran.   Saint Paul tells usContinue Reading

Deacon Bill said the other day, something that is very important about our faith.  He said that our faith is personal, but it’s not private.    It’s critical to understand that when we begin to look at what Paul says today to the Ephesians.  He says we are to beContinue Reading

Paul, in our first reading from Ephesians, talks about God’s plan for salvation.   Paul says that while other generations did not know it, it “has now been revealed.”   That’s important.  God’s plan for us is not an accident.  While we have to have backup plans, God isn’t likeContinue Reading

Jesus, today in the Gospel, reprimands his contemporaries for their lack of faith. The problem isn’t that they seek a sign, but their motive and lack of understanding of that sign. They were gathering because they wanted a show—more flashy “magic” and excitement. Jesus tells them they will have noContinue Reading

  There are two fundamental aspects of God that our readings point out today.   The first one is God’s infinite mercy.   The excerpt from the book of Isaiah uses the beautiful imagery of wiping away tears from every face.   How could we not be moved by this vision of theContinue Reading