One of my friends posted a question on Facebook last night: “Mention something you were good at in high school.” It reminded me of how I felt in high school. I was a social chameleon, fitting in with whatever group I was with at the time. I always thought thatContinue Reading

Today is a day that many of us in America celebrate Labor Day. Our lives are by no means as easy we would like. We forget how far we have come as a society, and Labor Day is a moment to remember. At the beginning of the 1800s, we wereContinue Reading

  We hear this thrown around a lot these days. All of us are sinners, and none of us possess the right to judge another’s heart. What is usually meant by this phrase is that people should be able to do whatever they want, and we should never say anything.Continue Reading

Recently I went with a friend to adoration.  After it was over we were standing around talking about some upcoming events.  There was a knock on the door.  It was his family.   Before they left, he put his hands on his daughter’s head and prayed a blessing over her.  IContinue Reading

  There is a movie that I enjoy tremendously called the Forbidden Kingdom. In it, the young hero has traveled back in time to try to save the world. He doesn’t know Kung Fu, but he knows all about it from movies and games. While he is going through anContinue Reading

Peter and his fellow fishermen had been working all night. They had just finished fishing and were putting up their tackle. The men were cleaning and repairing it, getting ready to get some rest. Then comes along Jesus, who says go back where you were and start fishing again. It’sContinue Reading

In the Gospel for today, we see Jesus once again casting out demons and healing people who were sick. Then he does something interesting. He rebukes the demons who are trying to tell people who He is. He silences them and refuses to let them tell people He is theContinue Reading