I was listening to my friend Alaisa stream live on Facebook this morning and she said “Remember who you are.”  That reminds me of this powerful scene from the kid’s movie “Moana“.     When the now corrupted Tefeti comes barrelling down the barren ocean floor only to draw up shortContinue Reading

Today at Mass we hear the parable of the wheat and the tares from Matthew’s Gospel.   This simple story reminds us of Genesis when the world was perfect.  God had planted everything and all was good.   Then came along the serpent to plant seeds of doubt and pride.  This broughtContinue Reading

Can you imagine being the man remembered by all by the moment you doubted while ignoring the fact he was the first ready to die with Jesus? (See John 11:16). Thomas is like most of us. We jump with courage one moment; then, we are hesitant and doubtful the next.Continue Reading

Often times I feel unworthy to be in this line of work, so to speak.  It’s easy to look back on my life and realize I am just a construction worker.  My grammar is lacking.   I believe my manners are often quite crude and my humor unbefitting of a manContinue Reading

The Gadarenes were Hellenistic Jews who had taken on much of the Roman pantheon of gods. They engaged in raising swine for the Roman temple sacrifices, unclean animals in the eyes of the Jews. Jesus went out into this country to reach a person bound by oppression, destitute, and afraid.Continue Reading

We as a Church gather together on this day to celebrate Pentecost Sunday.   It’s hard to be in a celebratory mood after watching the news.  Many of our cities are on fire, our people in turmoil, and our youth scared and hurting.  The racial divide in this country has neverContinue Reading

My hands ache.  You would think that with a yard the size of a postage stamp I’d not be so sore after mowing it.  My neighbor started (mowing two yards mind you) about 30 minutes after I did.  She finished long before I.  I just mowed the yard, cut aContinue Reading