Today at the Cathedral, all of the Catechumens and Candidates of our diocese will be gathering together to be enrolled. Unless they decide not to, the Church intends to admit them to celebrate further the mysteries of the faith. The ceremony is called the Rite of Election and Call toContinue Reading

There is a prayer that we attribute to Saint Francis of Assisi that makes a few bold statements. In it, we ask not to be consoled, but to be channels of God’s grace to comfort, love, and understand others. That is a difficult thing to do. Just the other day,Continue Reading

Last night we had a bi-lingual service that set up the tone for Lent. With two sermons, one in English and one in Spanish, we saw the depth of God’s love for us. We also were reminded that conversion is not a superficial change, but one deep down inside ofContinue Reading

Interestingly, Ash Wednesday is one of the most attended Masses of the year. We pack ourselves into the pews to make a new start to our Christian lives. One by one, we walk forward to receive ashes on our foreheads to remind us that “you gonna die.” Quite the freeContinue Reading

Privilege. It is a word that is thrown around in our culture. It’s become a meme synonymous with virtue signaling. Many people on the extreme progressive left use it to shut down the conversation. White privilege is one of the most prevalent uses of the word. What does that haveContinue Reading

  “But who do you say that I am?”   Maybe one of the most poignant questions ever asked.   Jesus is standing amongst his disciples, men who look up to him, and that he even calls friends.   They have just given testimony to all the things that those who are outsideContinue Reading

Most of you know that before my back surgery I was a commercial electrician working mostly on large construction (Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, etc.).   During that time I got to be privy to what happens to a lot of the leftover scrap, especially when you are living in an impoverishedContinue Reading