The Sacred Scriptures are alive.  They speak to the children of God a message of love and hope.  To the person who is open to the Holy Spirit, they can give a personal message that conveys often exactly what they need to hear.  Why then is it so often misunderstood? Continue Reading

Mercy.  That’s a word we use a lot as Christians.  Our liturgy as Catholics is steeped with it.  “Lord, have mercy.  Christ, have mercy.  Lord, have mercy.”  It’s a powerful word but I think we often take it for granted.  In Latin, the word we use is “misericordia“.   That comesContinue Reading

When I first started going to Saint Catherine of Genoa, there was a man and woman who embodied what Christ teaches us about marriage.  We are supposed to submit ourselves one to another. That’s what the second reading for tomorrow’s Mass says. Husbands loving their wives as Christ loved theContinue Reading

I’ve been watching an online discussion about the hour-long fast before Mass.  That conversation began with a seemingly innocuous question: can I have my coffee in that hour?   It seems kind of logical in a way to wonder, as coffee is technically just bean water.    That doesn’t deter meContinue Reading

As many of you know, it took 10 years for me to get back to Virginia.  I’ve written about that before.  That’s ten years of planning to go into a short three-day trip.  On the drive down we had opted to stay at a hotel about halfway there.  We lookedContinue Reading

My wife and I struggle to find time to actually get out and have a date.  My spiritual director constantly reminds me of the need for a husband and wife to put their vocation first, to make time for a date.  For a while, that meant Friday nights were ourContinue Reading

“It’s rose, not pink.   Jesus rose from the grave, he didn’t pink from it.”   I once heard a Priest say that in an exasperated tone to someone teasing him yet again about his “pink robes.”  Rose.   Why rose?  Why in the middle of the Advent season with its purple bannersContinue Reading