There were some cows that were being kept in the basement of a rich man’s home.   One night the rich man threw a great party, inviting over all of his family and friends.  The music drifted down from the dance floor to the basement where the cows stood chewing theirContinue Reading

One of the worst things we’ve done as Christians is making people think that to ask for help when you truly need it makes you a beggar, and somehow that beggars are bad. As a man who grew up in the south, the hardest thing for me was going onContinue Reading

When my wife and I began dating another friend of mine began to hang out with some people who didn’t like Julie much.  We were already getting serious about one another.   That friend, at some point, confronted me and said Hey you can date whoever you want, but don’t bringContinue Reading

Fitting in seems to be a preoccupation for people today.  Wearing the right clothes, driving the right car, listening to the right music.  I overheard a young woman tell her friend that if she drove a specific kind of car she’d never ride with her again.   Another person turned theirContinue Reading

Many years ago, before my conversion, I was constantly worried about the future.  When I saw the book of revelations I saw it as an omen, a warning, a portent that proclaimed that pain and despair were coming.  It’s so easy to get caught up in worry.   The news continuesContinue Reading

A few years back I was privileged to attend the ordination of Bishop Malloy in Rockford.   It’s an interesting thing to think that this country boy who grew up in a heavily baptist part of the Appalachian Mountains would one day find himself sitting in a stadium full of thousandsContinue Reading

In today’s first reading we see exactly why we Catholics believe the Scriptures proclaim a preferential option for the poor.   We who live in relative comfort and ease often forget exactly how difficult it is for others to exist.  When one comes from a home with both parents, never worriesContinue Reading