Before beginning my review I want to say a few words about Father Richard Rohr.   First and foremost, he is a man with a brilliant mind and likely has an education that makes my own pale in comparison.   The language he uses when writing is clearly one of great philosophicalContinue Reading

Most of the time we don’t actually listen when someone speaks, at least not in the way we should.  Many times instead of listening to understand, we simply listen to respond.   As they speak something triggers a memory of our own.   Then we wait in anticipation to share our memory,Continue Reading

It’s very interesting to me how many times this week the Liturgy of the Hours has become a focal point of conversation.   The power and beauty of praying the Psalms, which St. Ambrose once called the gymnasium of the soul, tends to bring out the best and the worst ofContinue Reading

I remember fondly a quote from The Way by Saint Jose Maria Escriva (277), in which the response to the question why “that cross” instead of a crucifix: “You ask me: why that wooden Cross? — And I copy from a letter: ‘As I look up from the microscope, myContinue Reading

There are many theologies out there competing with that of the Catholic Church.   The one thing we all should be able to say with confidence as a Christian is  “we are saved through grace alone.”  That’s what the first reading from the letter to the Roman’s says.  It’s nothing weContinue Reading

We tend to overcomplicate things.   It’s so easy to do.  Naaman in today’s first reading simply did what God had requested of him to do, and healing occurred.  It’s funny because Naaman was offended when he first heard the prescription.  “Wash 7 times in the Jordan.”   He wanted a quest! Continue Reading

There is growing hostility towards prayer in today’s increasingly anti-religious climate.  During the dark times where evil has infiltrated our society through the actions of another human or even during natural disasters, we see people telling us praying for the situation is worthless.   I believe that if we truly valuedContinue Reading