The image shows an animated drawing of the scene from today's Gospel, in which James and John ask Jesus if he would like them to call down fire from heaven to consume the Samaritans.

In the time of the Prophet Zechariah, the author of today’s first reading, Jerusalem had become a ghost town.  The temple was gone, the people in exile, and the future not looking too cheery.  God gives them a vision of the future though in which not only is Jerusalem restoredContinue Reading

The image shows Pope Francis greeting another religious leader in front of a large crowd in attendance.

I’ve been exploring chant tones for the liturgy of the hours recently in an effort to understand better how to read them, and maybe even to learn to chant them a bit on my own (much to my neighbor’s dismay I’m sure.)  This morning I noticed an article posted aboutContinue Reading

For example, women are often told by their providers that during the 1st trimester their babies are only “tissue” or “the products of conception.” That is when the vast majority (80%!) of miscarriages happen. I am only one of the countless women who have been told the same thing. ManyContinue Reading

Today’s first reading reminds me of a scene from the book the hunger games, in which people gathered around tables eating and drinking their fill.   The reader and the character whose view you had adopted was appalled to learn that they had developed a system of drinks to make themContinue Reading

I was just reading some of the comments on this article: Is My Baby Among the 2,200.   It’s a bit triggering but I think more people need to be made aware of this situation in Indiana.   Some of the comments tell the mothers who are now mourning this heinous collectionContinue Reading

Something I’ve been considering doing for a while now is reviewing some of the books I am reading.  This one I received from the Catholic Book of the Month club a while back and had the opportunity to read on a 3-day silent retreat in Saint Louis Missouri at theContinue Reading

In the Gospel today we see St. Luke talking about those who followed Jesus, including some very wealthy women who helped to fund their mission.  Luke talks about women a lot.   That’s good.   We never can forget that without them not only can we not function as a Church, butContinue Reading