I’ve been meditating most of the morning on the Gospel reading for today from the Gospel according to Luke (Chapter 7:36-50).   In it, we see a very familiar scene where Jesus has gone into the house of Simon the Pharisee to eat with him and his guests.  A woman ofContinue Reading

Someone in a group on Facebook asked about our Conversion Story.   I haven’t shared mine in a long time so I thought it was time to put it out there again.  Feel free to contact me if you wanna talk about it! I grew up in a small town inContinue Reading

When I was a young teen, I had a conversation with my grandfather.   I had been looking through this Bible that he studied out of.   It was just a simple King James, no real footnotes or study guides.  It was probably not the first time I had looked at aContinue Reading

In today’s first reading St. Paul reminds us that the Church is the pillar and bulwark of the truth.   That’s not a popular message in today’s relativistic culture.   The simple fact is, either truth exists outside of us and is true whether we believe it or not, or there isContinue Reading

Today is the feast day in which we honor the name of Mary, the Mother of God.   The readings are extremely apropos for that.   Why?   Because they talk about exactly why we honor her.   Of all the people who have ever existed, she is the one who best embodies whatContinue Reading

I saw an article about a Nashville Catholic school that indicated a Priest there, who was in charge, had the Harry Potter books removed from the library.  He suggested that an exorcist had told him the spells used were copies of actual spells and incantations.  My first thought when IContinue Reading

  I remember once talking with a man about the diaconate. When I asked him if he would consider serving Christ as a deacon he shook his head and said, “No.” When I asked why not, he replied with an embarrassed laugh, “I’m not worthy of anything like that!” PeopleContinue Reading