Loving those who love us and returning kindness to those who shower us with gifts and praise is pretty straightforward.  Jesus continues in His sermon on the mount with the same idea as yesterday, this radical and profound love of God that doesn’t return an eye for an eye.   HeContinue Reading

It can be easy to get angry with someone who is being rude.  As a parent, I’ve learned that it is even worse when I see someone being rude to my kids or my wife.  I can often “let it slide” when it is just to me, though my feelingsContinue Reading

It can sometimes be hard to see God moving in our lives. Jesus has promised that He has gone on to prepare a place for us and that His burden is easy and His yoke is light, but it doesn’t always feel that way. It can even seem sometimes likeContinue Reading

Here we have moved from the Easter season into Ordinary Time. Sometimes that can almost seem disappointing.   With all the extra singing, poetic sequences, and beautiful decorations around our church, Easter and Christmas can seem so profoundly beautiful that it almost makes our hearts ache to see them go.   ButContinue Reading

I’ve always had problems with my ears. During the spring of every year, I usually begin to lose my hearing as the plants begin to bloom. My allergies cause them to close off, especially on my right side. I begin to say “huh” or “what” so much that it becomesContinue Reading

I am a people watcher.  Not in a creepy way.   I enjoy seeing what they are doing, and how they interact with one another.    Whether I am in line at Walmart or sitting in my car at a red light, I find myself looking around and just experiencing the worldContinue Reading

I speak frequently about the need for Holy Silence.  Moments in which we listen for God to speak to us instead of filling the air or our minds with our own petitions and desire.   It’s time set aside to let God teach us, comfort us, and help us to understandContinue Reading