Most Christians would agree that we don’t know how many wise men there were. Likely there were more than three, but over the years our nativity scenes have included those three men to indicate the number of gifts recorded in specific detail in the nativity story. And going into theContinue Reading

 There once was a billion dollar corporation which had just opened a new branch in a country that was in the middle of an economic depression. Thousands upon thousands of men and women applied for the jobs, thousands for every single position. In the end there was only three positionsContinue Reading

One of the questions I think very apropos to us during Advent, is how do we respond to Jesus in our lives? As we prepare for His return and celebrate His birth; do we often think about the many ways He is right here with us? One of the thingsContinue Reading

Lolium temulentum. That’s a big word there, but it’s one we need to understand as Christians. Many people in other countries already know this plant, but it’s called by a more common name. Darnel or cockle. It’s also called false wheat. Why is this important to us as Christians, andContinue Reading

Many times we avoid the Old Testament. What with the begets, the counting of the tribes of Israel, the pain, the seemingly angry and destructive ways of God; many of us just choose not to read it. When we read it in light of the New Testament and the CreedContinue Reading

Our Parish Priest made the following statement on his Facebook wall, “Tell me what you think of this phrase: “Pray brothers and sisters that my sacrifice and yours may be acceptable to God the almighty Father.” How simple that seems to be, and in fact I thought the answer wasContinue Reading

This morning as I began to get out of bed to make sure that the kids got off to school, my only intention seemed to be to go back to sleep. After a long night of sickness and distress, my aching and tired body had no desire for prayer orContinue Reading