During Advent one of the best examples we can find of how to respond to God, is the Virgin Mary. Many people avoid her altogether, and simply relegate her to a roll of just another human in history. It’s a sad event for the Bible gives us an entirely differentContinue Reading

I’ve been hearing a lot recently about how we shouldn’t celebrate Christmas and many other Holidays. I think everyone has a right to choose for themselves. For me, I find them a time of reminder to bring us out of the stupor of living from day to day. To remindContinue Reading

In the ancient middle east there was a custom for several young chaste women to be set to watch for the Bridegroom to return to the festivities. The bridegroom had to go and negotiate with the father, prepare the dowry and then come back to the party. The women wereContinue Reading

There is a popular Christian contemporary song by the group MercyMe that paints a very real, yet mysterious encounter. What will we do when we come into the presence of God? Will we stand in His presence? Will we even be able to speak? Surrounded by Your Glory, what willContinue Reading

Advent is a time of preparation. We are preparing ourselves for the arrival of the Lord. Both in memory of His incarnation and as well for His future Parousai. We often forget though that He is also already among us in many special ways. Luke 10:38-42 As Jesus and his disciples were onContinue Reading

So for my first blog post in Advent, I’d like to talk about Abraham and Isaac. Probably not what one would expect. After all what does this story have to do with the coming of Christ? Nothing. And everything!   Some time later God tested Abraham. He said to him,Continue Reading

I am going to attempt to write a blog each day during the season of Advent. All to often we forget how we are supposed to live each day of the year, and Advent is a time to remind us to get out of the rut and watch for God!Continue Reading