Relationships have been coming up a lot lately, and I feel that many of us can always use reminders about what a Biblical marriage, and even a biblical courtship can be about. One of the biggest problems we have in today’s society is that both people in the relationship aren’tContinue Reading

A friend of mine posted the question, When we get to heaven, I know we will see Jesus, but will we also see the Father? The Holy Spirit? One of the best things about the book of Revelations is it gives us a glimpse into what heaven will be like.Continue Reading

I think this is an excellent question, though I think it’s worded in a way to make a negative answer. Someone mentioned recently about how could God allow a man like me, who works for God and tries to do God’s will, to need to have his spine fused. OrContinue Reading

Prayer is many faceted. That is there are different forms. Sometimes part of prayer is listening. The point is that we should be in communion with God at all times. How do we do this? First, we do actual prayer. Whether it’s four minutes a day, 10 minutes, an hour..Continue Reading

Simon of Cyrene. A man who had a huge role in history and in the most important events in the redemption of man. He was the man who, when Jesus fell and could no longer bear the cross, was compelled to lift it up and carry it for Him. It’sContinue Reading

Today, after everyone returned from the church service, my wife, children, and I decided to go out and eat together at a decently nice restuarant. We all piled into the car and drove about twenty five minutes to get to this place that we really enjoy. The food, music, atmosphere,Continue Reading

John Chapter 19 -29 “A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. 30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowedContinue Reading