Christmas is almost upon us! Everyone is busy putting up decorations, shopping for presents, and making sure they have enough food for friends and family. It’s a beautiful time of year, filled with lights, smells and sounds. Yet, I find myself wondering if people truly remember what Christmas is about.Continue Reading

I have been thinking about a little exercise that would help people remember what they are thankful for. At least it worked for me. So here is my challenge, I pray each of you will participate. Step 1 – Think of something you wish for (nothing generic like world peace,Continue Reading

Leave me a note telling me what you think, or explaining how you feel about the topic. I enjoy hearing from people, and look forward to it 🙂1 Corinthians 11 –23 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night heContinue Reading

Many years ago I was addicted to a game called Everquest. I played every waking hour, and thought about it when I was not. It was a time in my life that was really me just behaving as a child. Do not get me wrong, I still enjoy my computerContinue Reading

I have been spending a great deal of time reading the Bible lately. The last few years actually. However, lately I have been really immersing myself into the word. I find that the more I read, the more I realize that God is not just some angry, jealous creature outContinue Reading

We all know that person in our world that simply exudes the essence of Christ. For me the first person I met that really personified Jesus in my life was Pete. Pete was a carpenter that was working on a Church in Gate City Virginia. I remember one day PeteContinue Reading

I just wanted the share this post from my Aunt. I am including it unedited because I feel her words speak volumes. While you are reading it, think about the many times you’ve seen God cradle someone in his arms. How many times has He reached down from on highContinue Reading