The Bible talks many times about the attitude we should have when we approach God in supplication. From the list in Malachi chapter one to the ‘Our Father’, each of them shows the proper way to come to God in prayer. Although it is addressed so often, many still areContinue Reading

Today at Church we had a wonderful message brought to us while we were celebrating the first communion of several of our children. At the beginning of the service Father Siegel began by reading the Gospel, and he spoke of when Jesus fed the 5000 with just five loaves ofContinue Reading

“Everything is permissible”–but not everything is beneficial. “Everything is permissible”–but not everything is constructive. – 1 Corinthians 10:23 The human race, and all of creation, began it’s existence on a diet of plant matter. The Bible clearly dictates that “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of theContinue Reading

Lately I have found myself weary of using the phrase good luck. I have used it most of my life, but the last few weeks whenever I start to utter this seemingly innocuous statement I find myself stuttering to find a replacement. “God bless your endeavor.” “God bless you.” etc.Continue Reading

I wrote about this verse of scripture a few years ago on Myspace, and I was disappointed to find out I missed a sermon on it the other day when I stayed home to watch one of the children who did not want to attend church. She is too youngContinue Reading

Today I found out what someone was getting for their birthday, and my first thought was that I needed to top that. What could I buy that would make that gift seem pale in comparison. Then I remembered my love dare book. Even though the book is intended for relationshipsContinue Reading

How difficult it is to hold to ones resolve. We make promises to ourselves, and yes even to God, and often times we break them without a thought. Just like our news years resolutions that many times do not make it through the first month. There is a necessity inContinue Reading