“I do will it, be made clean,” I mentioned this yesterday in my homily, and here we find it today in the Gospel.    The leper then mars this beautiful moment by not following Jesus’ command not to tell anyone, and it hinders Jesus’s work in the community.  But can youContinue Reading

Our readings today are about listening.  Every one of them mentions God speaking to someone.  That’s where we find ourselves a lot of time during our prayers.  We long for and hope to hear God speaking to us, but we end up dominating the conversation most of the time.  OurContinue Reading

Anna waited.   She waited almost her entire life in the temple, praying, worshipping, hoping.   She waited for an encounter with Jesus Christ, with the Messiah. It took 84 years. She knew the law and the prophets, and she knew that there was a promised one who would deliver her peopleContinue Reading

As we continue our journey through Advent, the feast days continually celebrate great Saints who exemplify what it means for Christ to be born in our hearts. Today’s Saint, Juan Diego, was the man chosen by Mary to bring her message to the people of Mexico.  What was it aboutContinue Reading

In the Gospel for today’s feast, we have the story of the Annunciation.  Some people often mistake today’s feast with being about that story, that the immaculate conception is about Jesus being conceived in the womb of Mary.  The Church does an interesting thing with dates though, it logically setsContinue Reading

As I was meditating on this gospel reading about mountains and valleys, I was reminded of a game we used to play as children.  I grew up in the mountains of Virginia, and we would play “king of the mountain.”  Whether from the top of a stack of hay, aContinue Reading

A priest holds up the host. (RNS/Creative Commons/Robert Cheaib)

As I was meditating on the first reading, a particular verse kept catching my attention.   This intriguing statement about the veil: “On this mountain, he will destroy the veil that veils all peoples, The web that is woven over all nations.”   That’s intriguing to me.  Both readings have a EucharisticContinue Reading