My heart yearned to see the supernatural reality that I was part of. Then one day it happened, like a fog dissipating in the early morning light. Darkness slowly gave way to shadows as the world began to come alive. My senses heightened. My anticipation I could hardly contain. IContinue Reading

Today at Mass, we heard the lengthy and dramatic story of the arrest, trial, and death of Jesus Christ according to Mark’s Gospel. As one of the Deacons serving our Parish, I had the honor of being the voice of the people. Since COVID-19 regulations don’t allow us to passContinue Reading

We tend to worry a lot about what other people think.  In our first reading, we see the typical human response to that.  God turns to Moses and informs him, “Go down to your people… for they have become depraved.”  Moses had gone up to the mountain to receive aContinue Reading

Today’s Gospel follows the scripture where Jesus healed a man and said, “take up your mat and walk.” Instead of celebrating what God had done, the people were even angrier with Jesus. It says today that they tried all the more to kill him. That statement comes directly after HeContinue Reading

My wife and I went to the Stations of the Cross last night together.   Then today, I took my little Smart Car out for a spin.  I drove to Belvidere, IL, to drop off a package at the UPS store and then dropped into Saint James for an intimateContinue Reading

We live in a world that’s turned upside down.   People are calling evil good, and good they label as evil.   It’s not a new phenomenon.   They did the same with Jesus.  This morning’s Gospel records that they accused Him of doing the miracles He did through theContinue Reading

I want to talk this morning a little about Queen Esther.   Esther was married to one of the most powerful men of their time, the King of Persia.  The problem was that an evil man had tricked the king into condemning all people of Jewish descent to death.  Continue Reading