There are two fundamental aspects of God that our readings point out today.   The first one is God’s infinite mercy.   The excerpt from the book of Isaiah uses the beautiful imagery of wiping away tears from every face.   How could we not be moved by this vision of theContinue Reading

What is your opinion? That is the way Jesus begins our Gospel today. We all have our own opinions on what it means to be a disciple of Christ. We all hear the same Gospel and we all decide for ourselves how we put that into practice in our ownContinue Reading

Today is the feast day of Saint Therese. When she was just fourteen years old at Christmas, she encountered Jesus in such a powerful way that it changed her life. She entered a convent at only 15 years old and began to live a simple life. She believed that whatContinue Reading

The first reading from this morning reminds us that spiritual battle is real. In it, we see the scene from the book of Revelation in which Michael leads the armies of God’s angels to fight the devil and his demons. I want to talk about Saint Michael, Gabriel, and RaphaelContinue Reading

Obedience. Obedience is a word that many people do not want to hear in the modern world. Yesterday, as my brothers and I were being ordained as Deacons, we knelt down before the Bishop and made a promise of obedience. Many people would balk at that. Being a Deacon thoughContinue Reading

A famous poet once wrote the following lines: “See the mountains kiss high heaven And the waves clasp one another; No sister-flower would be forgiven If it disdained its brother; And the sunlight clasps the earth And the moonbeams kiss the sea: What is all this sweet work worth IfContinue Reading

Today I am going to start a series of videos called “Falling in Love with Jesus.” This past weekend I was on a silent retreat at Bellarmine in Barrington, Illinois. While we were there, I continually felt that God wanted me to show every person I know and meet howContinue Reading