It’s been an interesting few days.  We’ve seen the supreme court decide for the entire nation an issue of morality.  Forcing states (regardless of voters opinion in those states) to accept something they may or may not approve of.  For many that’s a hard thing to swallow.  Tempers are high.Continue Reading

Today’s reading at Mass was about God creating Eve from the rib of Adam, because Adam was lonely without one of his own ‘kind’. While this is a reading about marriage, it’s also about human relationships. That fits well with my readings from “Consoling the Heart of Jesus.” Bear withContinue Reading

I thought he was gone, This prisoner of war.  In the dark night of the soul A personal Darfur An angry, dark man Seeking for that happy day Tripping down the ladder Falling along the way Thought to be in control Truly tis but a myth With St. Paul I cryContinue Reading