December 6, 2017 Wednesday of the First Week of Advent Lectionary: 177 Reading 1: IS 25:6-10A Responsorial Psalm: PS 23:1-3A, 3B-4, 5, 6 Gospel: MT 15:29-37 As we begin our travels through this season of Advent it seems that the excitement is palpable, tangible.   My own excitement for the celebrationContinue Reading

December 5, 2017 Tuesday of the First Week of Advent Lectionary: 176 Reading 1: IS 11:1-10 Responsorial Psalm: PS 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17 Gospel: LK 10:21-24 In this beautiful section of the prophecies of Isaiah, we see a glimpse of the end of time, when creation will be made newContinue Reading

You wouldn’t want to run a marathon while in the middle of a fast. You would lack the energy to go very far. Marathon runners carbo load their bodies with energy so they can successfully run the race. Many of us think of grace in much the same way. ItContinue Reading

It was Halloween, 1517. A defiant Catholic monk nails a paper to the door of All Saints Church in Wittenberg and shakes his fist defiantly in the air. The Protestant Reformation had begun. At least that was the story taught to me when I was growing up in the LutheranContinue Reading

When I took over doing international support on my company’s products I was asked to go to England. I came home and told my brother that I was going to London. The first thing he asked me was, “Do they speak English there?” I couldn’t resist. I replied back, “No.Continue Reading

I love each and every one of you reading this blog right now. I would like to have a personal relationship with each of you. I would like to hang out with you and be BFFs. The issue is that I can’t stand your spouse. They are flawed. One hasContinue Reading

There is nothing like feeling unprepared.  This morning as I got up I went through my mind at how unworthy I am as a man.   I am not the most educated man.  There are men out there with Ph.D.’s who speak many different languages, some languages that aren’t even spokenContinue Reading