One of the things Christopher Columbus discovered when he landed in the new world was a fruit no one in Europe had ever seen. It was juicy and sweet like an apple but it was oddly shaped, like a pinecone. Thus, it was named the pineapple. Columbus took a boatContinue Reading

October 24, 2017 Tuesday of the Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time Lectionary: 474 ROM 5:12, 15B, 17-19, 20B-21 PS 40:7-8A, 8B-9, 10, 17 LK 21:36 LK 12:35-38 We are never guaranteed tomorrow.  When we lose someone we love this comes to us in an abrupt way, almost a slap inContinue Reading

When I first converted to Catholicism I carried with me much Lutheran baggage. I professed that the Catholic Church held the fullness of the truth, yet, like so many Catholics today believed that it was wrong on some very important points. I let my pride guide my mind as IContinue Reading

This is the Greek word – doulos. It is most often translated in Holy Scripture as servant. This is the lesser of its two meanings. A better translation of doulos is slave. A slave is; “one who gives himself up to another’s will those whose service is used by ChristContinue Reading

October 8, 2017 Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Lectionary: 139 IS 5:1-7 PS 80:9, 12, 13-14, 15-16, 19-20 PHIL 4:6-9 MT 21:33-43 After we left the hospital in Chicago Friday, Julie and I walked for about an hour back to Union Station to catch a train back to Elgin.   TheContinue Reading

In the wake of yet another tragic act of violence there has been the usual knee jerk reaction calling for more laws and more restrictions, more bans and more loss of freedoms concerning guns. The gun is to blame for the killing in Las Vegas. If we only had oneContinue Reading

Jimmy’s high school was known throughout the state as having the best football team anywhere to be found. It was a rare year that they didn’t win the state championship. Recruiters from colleges across the country often made stops to watch his team play and every year three or fourContinue Reading