God alone is holy. God too, is love. The two words are so closely related that they can be thought of as the same thing. Holiness is love and love is holiness.  Holiness in a thing, in an action, in a place, or in a person is nothing more thanContinue Reading

While driving through the countryside I came upon a house where someone had transformed various objects into planters. There was an old boot with a bright yellow flower growing up from it. There was a claw-footed bathtub and the rusting body of an old truck with different plants growing inContinue Reading

It was 7:45 on a lazy Sunday afternoon in Hawaii. Sailors were either sleeping or quietly going about their daily routines. Ten minutes later the air raid siren would begin to sound and the General Quarters alarm would blare throughout the ship, causing all to wonder why. This never happenedContinue Reading

Atheists often accuse Christians of having blind faith, in believing in something they can’t possibly see, hear, or feel. In reality it is the atheist himself who is blind. They only believe in things that can be proven through empirical evidence. They believe in only the natural, not the supernatural,Continue Reading

“A text without a context is a pretext for a proof text.” In other words, if you do not know the story behind a text it can be used to prove an idea the text doesn’t actually support. A good example of this in Holy Scripture is when St. PaulContinue Reading

The last few months at our Parish have been marked by some difficult transitions and changes.  The diocese has required that all volunteers take a program called “Protecting God’s Children” before continuing and for many this was the “last straw.”  Then I hear others complaining about the burden that hasContinue Reading

August 30, 2017 Wednesday of the Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time Lectionary: 427 1 THES 2:9-13 PS 139:7-8, 9-10, 11-12AB MT 23:27-32 Print your free ticket now!  A friend I know was given one of those automatic coffee makers that take a little cup and turns it into a steamingContinue Reading