Ephesians 5 22-24 Wives, submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit toContinue Reading

Our refrigerator has a light on it that only comes on when it needs the water filter replaced. The other day this filter came on as the refrigerator realized that the filter was so full of contaminants that the water couldn’t get through. It got me to thinking about ourContinue Reading

This is going to sound strange, and I know it before I type it, but there is something on my chest that I must talk about. It’s actually a very familiar verse, but one that today God opened my eyes to in a new light. First I’m going to giveContinue Reading

I intended to write a long post today about his ‘dream.’ About how we should share that dream for each and every man, woman and child. Then I realized that I could not share it in any more eloquent words than the words of Martin Luther King Himself. So withoutContinue Reading

Lolium temulentum. That’s a big word there, but it’s one we need to understand as Christians. Many people in other countries already know this plant, but it’s called by a more common name. Darnel or cockle. It’s also called false wheat. Why is this important to us as Christians? JesusContinue Reading

UntitledLike the morning Sun Warming my soul His touch thought lite Makes ripples in the ocean A gong of light Blurring my vision Only to make clear Everything I see Darkness fights To break me Pull me away From this gravity This attraction Unavoidable Pulling my soul To the CenterContinue Reading

I was looking through a friend photos the other day, someone I hadn’t seen in a very long time. I came across this amazing little piece of artwork. This art really said to me something that we don’t think about very often. We often do not think about the healingContinue Reading