I had a friend ask today, why does Sin keep us from God? So I wanted to give the simplest example I could to illustrate exactly that. Most people alive today have studied magnets. They understand that when a magnet is facing the same direction, as in the first image,Continue Reading

A friend of mine posted the following story on her wall, and I just had to share it. I won’t bore you with a lot of words about it, but will just let you get to the story. In Christ, Brian “Some people!” snorted a man standing behind me inContinue Reading

This morning the father at our church began a homily about a violinist and how it requires work and dedication. I have been thinking about the words he said as I worked in my backyard to finish up my little project. It’s something that should have taken me a fewContinue Reading

Often times we hear protests from others, even from fellow Christians. Protesting verbally, and maybe even spiritually about being able to see God. Why has God left me alone? Why can’t I see Him? I need a sign to show me He still cares! We are often just like Thomas,Continue Reading

In class the other night we were posed a question. Do you think people are obsessed with money today? If so, do you think this is an American thing, or is it universal? My answer to that question really brings up more questions, and more thoughts. I believe that theContinue Reading

Golden Gently wafting sunshine brushing hairOceans of earth caressing soulsSummers breeze breaking stalks of greenStumbling words, slipping lips Tussled and tangled the roots Angel hair pasta in the breezeMini me dancing one step at a timeHearts warm like cocoa in snow An empty lot of once dead treesFixated vision andContinue Reading

All to often Memorial day becomes a party. We spend all year saving up so that we can spend money on a new grill, a new patio etc. We spend time with our families while ‘they’ are still in the trenches. Crying tears of blood. Dying that we can turnContinue Reading