It’s easy to get caught up in the readings and see the scholars and Pharisees as the bad guys.   It’s much more helpful if, instead of finding a “them” to blame, we try to see what it says to us in the reading.  While most of us aren’t trained theologiansContinue Reading

These readings aren’t the happy-go-lucky ones that many people like to hear. Instead, they remind us that Christianity isn’t promised an easy time.  That God is calling us to a deeper relationship, one of sacrifice and authentic self-giving.  That the key to our own judgment is in how we judgeContinue Reading

This familiar story in the Gospel often hits a nerve. This young man was a good person.  He had been living a decent life has realized that he needed something more.  Something deeper.   Jesus then challenges him to give up his money.  At this, the young man goes away sad.  Continue Reading

Today on the feast of our Lady of the Rosary, I want to speak a bit of what it means to meditate. The Gospel today reminds us that we should be storming heaven with our prayers. We have this amusing story about a friend who wakes his buddy up inContinue Reading

A few years ago, on a silent retreat, I was struck by just how beautiful the day was.  The wind was blowing just enough to keep the heat away.   Butterflies and dragonflies were darting too and fro, occasionally landing on my hand or leg.   The sun was reflecting on theContinue Reading

In this morning’s first reading, we see the scene where the prophet Jonah is running from the Lord. Jonah’s response to the storm was much like we see Jesus’ in the gospel. While everyone else is frantically rowing the ship trying to fight the world raging around them, Jonah isContinue Reading

Yesterday a dear friend gave me a book called “I’m Proud of You.” It’s the story of a friendship between the author and Fred Rogers, who most of us know as “Mr. Rogers.” As I began to read it, I was struck again by that familiar feeling of “this isContinue Reading