The more I study scripture, the more I realize how we humans seem to repeat the same patterns over and over.  The Israelites of the old testament consistently came back to God.. but then as soon as they got comfortable… fell off again to do other things. An endless cycleContinue Reading

In Tomorrow’s Gospel we see Jesus again speaking gloom and doom to the Pharisees and Scribes. It’s easy for us today to look back and almost cheer him on, ‘get those bad Pharisees!’  We like to have an enemy, a they, to place all the blame on.  We want toContinue Reading

We’ve all heard the “you are on a desert Island and can only take” stories, but I want to really think about that for a few minutes. Let’s try a different scenario that is much more likely to happen in our world. But first let’s address the real problem, weContinue Reading