Downgrading to Upgrade

Today was the First Sunday of Lent.  The readings speak of the familiar theme of Jesus going into the desert before beginning his public ministry.  In the desert, he fasted for forty days.  During that time Satan tempted him in ways that would have alleviated all of that suffering.   Satan even used scripture to try and get Jesus to fall into the trap.  Jesus always responded by using the rest of Scripture to show that God’s will was not in align with Satans at all.  Satans was selfish; God’s was love. 

As we journey into the desert this Lent we have to look and see what is between God and us.   Jesus consistently took time to go off alone in the silence to meet with God, to commune with Father.   In this world of screens and information, it’s hard to find a moment’s silence.   The internet is by far my worst crutch.  I have been using a computer on a daily basis since I was around eight years old.  When it comes to the willpower of just not doing it?  I fail miserably. 

So what did I do this year for Lent?   The same thing I did last year.   I significantly reduced my use of Social Media to spend that time instead with Jesus in prayer and meditation.   I realized last year though that my Smart Phone was a hindrance.  Instead of lowering my computer time I replaced it with blogs, bulletin boards, and silly games.  I took a drastic step.   I got rid of my smartphone.   I now carry an LG B470 flip phone. 

It doesn’t do apps.   It barely will search the internet.  Texting is a pain.  There are so many things wrong with this phone that I could complain forever.  My first trip to town I realized that I couldn’t check my calendar to see where I was supposed to be.   My habit of checking the Bank to see how much money we have before shopping is now something I have to remember before leaving the house.   Responding to email now has to wait until the evening or morning when I use my computer.
Why then am I feeling relief?   I have tethered myself to Christ.  I am no longer checking my phone every time it buzzes.   In a meeting, I have no need to look something up, either I remember it, or I don’t.  I am not worried about getting likes or making sure to take a picture of my food before I consume it.  I have finished three books in just a few days and have gotten back on track for the time being with my prayer life.  This small change has made me wonder if I’ll ever go back to being a smartphone user again.

The one thing that I have found myself blessed to be able to say is: “No I haven’t heard about that!”  In a world where all of the information is at your fingertips, how much news did I not already hear?  How many conversations did I miss because I had already heard all about it or seen that meme ages ago?  My friend said to me in an email that I seem to care when someone is talking to me.  I don’t want that go away.   So this is my Lent, my journey into the desert with Jesus, a mission to begin to listen to God speak to me not only in the silence but in each person I encounter. 

Technology is a powerful tool.  I am far from a Luddite.  I have even been called a technophile from time to time.  I think enhanced reality devices are the future.   The problem is we aren’t enhancing our reality with smartphones.   Instead, we are replacing reality with images and false narratives.  Yes, this Lent I am putting down the phone so that I can see the real you.   The real Jesus in you!  Hopefully, somewhere along the road, you will be able to see him in me.
His servant and yours,
Brian Mullins

February 18th, 2018
First Sunday of Lent
Lectionary: 23
GN 9:8-15
PS 25:4-5, 6-7, 8-9
1 PT 3:18-22
MK 1:12-15