There it was in flashing green: F21!

I woke up this morning a little past four a.m. in a panic. I had put my clothes in the washer last night for Church today. I meant to stay awake to put them in the dryer. I didn’t manage it. I ran downstairs intending to put them in to dry and there it was in flashing green: F21. This error is not a new thing for me. Since we’ve owned this washer, I’ve had to fix the F21 error code many times. It means there is a problem draining the water. Either something is clogging the pump and filter, or the pump has stopped working. So I grabbed my 1/4″ nut driver, a drill, a wet-dry vac, and some towels.

A few minutes later I had in my hand the nastiest smelling pile of hair, lint, and bobby pins I believe I’ve ever seen. I quickly ran upstairs, put on a rubber glove, and began to clean out the filter. After I put it back together, I started up the washer, and it began to work as it was supposed to. There was nothing wrong with the appliance. It was doing everything it was supposed to. Some of the things though, they didn’t make it out of the machine and began to clog it up. It took a “mechanic” to work on it, to remove the clogs and put it back in the right order.

I think that’s kind of what the Gospel for today is all about. Jesus talks about all the different types of soil where plants can thrive. Some have thorns that clog them up, kind of like the filter on the washing machine. Others have rocks that block the seed from getting to the soil altogether. Then you have the right type of soil. It’s vibrant and smooth, black, and full of nutrients. That’s the soil you want for a seed to take root.

The Gospel acclamation says: “The seed is the word of God, Christ is the sower; all who come to him will live forever.” Most of us have rocks or weeds in our soil. We are kind of like the washing machine. We are doing the right things, but it’s just not draining. All of our works, our actions, mean nothing if the soil isn’t prepared. Christ is the sower; God is the one who tills the garden. I had to go into the drain and remove all the gunk. Jesus can come into our lives and get the gunk out of the way if we let him. That’s what the Sacrament of Reconciliation is all about. Allowing God to work on our pump, our hearts! Christ can remove the walls and sins that stand in the way of becoming a Saint.

It’s not enough to be a “good person.”  It is only when we unite our works with the work of Christ on the cross, that they have any value. Saint Josemaría Escrivá said, “Why don’t you give yourself to God once and for all… really… NOW!” Today is the time, now is the moment. It reminds me of this beautiful prayer written by a high school girl, found in her student Bible: “Dear Jesus, that’s it. No more crap. For now on, I’m all in. Love, Anna.” Lord, help me to pray that as well.


A reflection on the readings for July 24, 2019: Wednesday of the 16th Week of Ordinary Time.  Year 1.