Each time we go around the Sun we celebrate another year of someone’s life, and rightly so. Each person is a blessing from God, a unique individual who is deserving of dignity and respect. We should thank God for them. Yet, a year passes from our Baptismal date, and mostContinue Reading

Most people who know me, know that I’ve struggled with chronic kidney stones for over 10 years. That coupled with fibromyalgia, several types of arthritis, 13 fused vertebrae in my back, etc made for an interesting journey. What will 10 years of that do to you?  What have I learnedContinue Reading

It’s interesting that we call this parable the parable of the Prodigal Son.  The story does seem to revolve around him, but as Klyne Snodgrass mentions in his book Stories with Intent, there are other players here.   He suggests (as do many scholars) that we should call it the ParableContinue Reading

  In the first reading today we see three men who have been thrown into a furnace for their faith. Azariah bursts out into a vocal prayer that begs God to forgive them from His generous mercy. At this point, they have nothing left to give God, no sacrifice toContinue Reading

One of the greatest gifts in my ministry is being surrounded by people who are truly seeking to do God’s will.  That is where I found myself for the past few weeks as we joined together to do the ‘mini-retreat’ designed by Father Michal Gaitely, 33 days to Morning Glory. Continue Reading

  Our conduct matters. It seems such a simple statement. In today’s society, we see the opposite preached from the pulpit of secular media. “You do you, and I do me.” “Your truth is your truth, and my truth is my truth.” I saw someone post the golden rule yesterdayContinue Reading

The three pillars of Lent are prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. By now if you’ve been reading my blog through the past few days you are probably tired of hearing that. It’s important to note though exactly what the Church is trying to tell us in her liturgies by asking whichContinue Reading