My wife and I were having a wonderfully deep conversation as I drove her in to work this morning about the concepts of gluttony and sin, and how they could apply to diet cost and expenditure.  We then began to talk about the general judgement, what it might be likeContinue Reading

One of the most wonderful notions about Cursillo and the teachings of our church is to look for Jesus in every person.  You know that biblical verse where Jesus said “Whatever you do for the least of these”? As a Catholic we take that literally, that we can ‘entertain angelsContinue Reading

How Can Accepting the Doctrine of the Church help you come closer to God? As a convert to the Catholic faith, the organic nature of the development of doctrine is something that I have experienced first hand.  During my formative years I began to do what is most common inContinue Reading

During the process of my conversion, I was uninterested in the Catholic faith. Coming from the particular protestant background that I was raised in, the Catholic faith was not only foreign, but looked down upon if not looked at with outright contempt. My wife and I had married with theContinue Reading

So what stage or degree of faith should you or I have? Should we seek the “highest” stage? Should we all hope to reach the point of a totally sacrificial faith? No doubt, we all tend to see that as an ideal. But dare anyone tell you where you shouldContinue Reading

Every summer, my sandals begin to start looking pretty filthy. That’s when I get out the trusty scrub brush, dish soap and a water hose. As I was sitting outside scrubbing the inside of my shoe, I began to have several thoughts go through my head. First I began toContinue Reading

…do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10 When we were in high school we studied the law of cause and effect. This law helps us understand that when something happens, there is a result. When you push a ball it begins to roll,Continue Reading