As we continue through Advent toward Christmas we see this very familiar saying.  Look at the beauty of the words that our Savior gave us: Jesus said to the crowds:“Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you andContinue Reading

Today’s readings bring to mind something I have been meditating on a lot lately.  The concept of Holiness.  We all have so many varied definitions of Holiness, from being set apart, to being like God, to even the notion that being Holy means being free from sin.  Recently though someone broughtContinue Reading

Holy week is always a tremendous time spiritually for me. When we as Catholics go through our ceremonies of reading the gospel together, actively participating in carrying the cross, or even watching as some of our members get their feet washed by our priest; all tend to move me toContinue Reading