Life always seems so hectic. So confusing. So difficult. With every moment of our day we are flooded with information. From the radio, to the television, to the mobile devices, to the internet. We are encouraged to make rapid and fast paced decisions. People want it now, and not later.Continue Reading

It seems the closer I grow to God, the more I am reminded of just how frail and weak this human flesh really is. With Saint Paul I cry out, I do not understand my own actions. For I do not do what I want, but I do the veryContinue Reading

A documentary I just watched talked about the beatitudes. How that each one called us to a further detachment from the world, and a radical attachment to God. Then it spoke about how happiness, true happiness, was doing God’s will… All of that I believe and have thought of onContinue Reading

…do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10 When we were in high school we studied the law of cause and effect. This law helps us understand that when something happens, there is a result. When you push a ball it begins to roll,Continue Reading

Lv 13:1-2, 44-46 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron,“If someone has on his skin a scab or pustule or blotchwhich appears to be the sore of leprosy,he shall be brought to Aaron, the priest,or to one of the priests among his descendants.If the man is leprous and unclean,the priestContinue Reading

Romans 14 is one of the most amazing chapters, to me. It tells us something about today in a way that still holds true. In order to get to that point I want to give you some insight into my own spiritual journey. For many years I was a memberContinue Reading

I don’t know how many of you spend time doing dishes, but it’s a chore I don’t relish. I am bad to let my dishes sit a day or so, and then get tired of seeing them and do them. I just don’t enjoy it, and would not do themContinue Reading