Tomorrow is the second Sunday of Advent.  In the Gospel we see John the Baptist coming out of the wilderness proclaiming the coming of the Kingdom of God.  He proclaims Isaiah’s message that the world is about to be shaken. Things are going to change.  Valleys will be laid flat,Continue Reading

Do you remember those posters that became popular in the early 90s?  What appeared to be a random mess of colored dots would become something amazing and three dimensional if you learned how to look at it.  If you tried too hard you would have trouble seeing it.  Only whenContinue Reading

Just this morning I locked myself out of my house this morning.  It’s one of those moments when you feel so very silly and embarrassed.  It happens to all of us.  When it happens to us though, it seems so much more shameful.  I marched around the house looking forContinue Reading

Fishers of Men by Kim Freitas It’s Advent!  How exciting! How beautiful!  Do you feel the change in the air?  We should.  This beautiful season is to remind us of what it felt like to be present for the promise of the Christ, the Messiah, Emmanuel!  The Jewish people stillContinue Reading

Be vigilant!   That is our message from today’s Gospel.  As we enter the season of Advent, we see more of that Apocalyptic literature that reminds us to be ever ready and watchful for the return of our Lord, Jesus Christ.  It exhorts us to continue working towards that perfection, thatContinue Reading

When the girls were all still little, before our fourth, I came home from work one day to find a bunch of artwork on the bedroom wall with words written in it.   There were some names, some drawings, and even some lipstick and nail polish mixed in.  I called eachContinue Reading