Every time I read about Queen Esther I am struck by a particular scene from the movie One Night with the King.  It’s the pivotal moment of the movie and of the history of the Jewish people.  Here this young woman is faced with a difficult and terrible dilemma.  SheContinue Reading

The other day I read an article about how that the current generation of children are being raised to believe that not recycling a soda can is just as bad or worse than looking at pornography.  I thought that must be complete bunk.  How could that even be possible?  SoContinue Reading

Tomorrow is the feast of Saint Agatha.  It’s interesting that when we see her story we find that the Church has chosen two readings about two very different Kings, contrasting them as book ends.  What do Kings have to do with this amazing woman from the mid 3rd century? IContinue Reading

In tomorrow’s Daily Mass we see Jesus sending out his apostle’s two by two.  This is indeed a significant moment in the history of our Church.  Most biblical theologians see it as a training mission, one in which they are being prepared for what will come after Christ has ascended. Continue Reading

In yesterday’s post I talked a little bit about what it means to be in Ordinary time.  I mentioned  Ordinary Time was not a plain, boring time of emptiness just waiting for another Holiday or penitential season to come along. Rather, it is an ordered time, a time in which weContinue Reading

Oh how rich and beautiful are the readings for tomorrow’s daily Mass, the Wednesday after Epiphany of the Christmas season. We see John in his Epistle continue to speak of the love that is God, and of our necessity of having it in our hearts.  Then we see this amazingContinue Reading

Tomorrow is the first day of 2016.  My wife and I went to Mass tonight in celebration of Mary the Mother of God, and in thanksgiving for all the gifts and blessings that God has bestowed on us this year.  Our life has been filled with many amazing events.  GodContinue Reading